Monday, April 23, 2012

Battle of the Bruisers

From approx. 1980 is a match where Dick the Bruiser was seeking "revenge" for Brody and Jimmy Valiant breaking Spike Huber's leg in a match a few months earlier.  Huber was the #2 face in the territory behind Bruiser and was his son in law at the time.
There had been a series of matches between King Kong Brody and Dick the Bruiser a couple of years earlier with the gimmick that they were battling for the use of the name "Bruiser".   Brody was never able to use "Bruiser" in the Indianapolis promotion owned by Dick the Bruiser but everywhere else in the world he used that nickname.
Tells you the power of Dick the Bruiser and his money in getting Brody to agree to use only King Kong while working for him.
As a kid watching this I had never seen anyone like Brody and he was fascinating and thrilling to watch.

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