Here are the results:
- The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) defeated The Hart Foundation when Blanchard pinned Hart after Anderson came off the top rope and hit Hart while the referee was distracted.
- Dusty Rhodes, in his first WWF PPV match, defeated The Honky Tonk Man with the Bionic Elbow after Jimmy Hart accidentally hit Honky with his guitar. This was also the debut of the infamous "polka dot" outfit for Rhodes.
- Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig defeated Red Rooster Terry Taylor with the Perfectplex.
- Rick Martel & The Rougeau Brothers defeated Tito Santana & The Rockers when Martel pinned Marty Jannetty with a clothesline as Jannetty had Raymond rolled up for a cover.
- The Ultimate Warrior defeated Rick Rude to win the WWF Intercontinental Title with a back suplex and splash after Roddy Piper distracted Rude by coming to ringside, lifting his kilt and mooning him.
- Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Demolition defeated Andre The Giant, Akeem & Big Bossman when Smash pinned Akeem after Duggan hit Akeem with his 2/4..
- Hercules Hernandez defeated Greg Valentine via disqualification. Valentine pinned Hercules with his feet on the ropes, but Ronnie Garvin, the guest ring announcer, announced that Valentine was disqualified for cheating and Hercules was the winner, then knocked out Valentine.
- Ted DiBiase defeated Jimmy Snuka via countout when Snuka was chasing Virgil at ringside. After the match, Snuka gave Virgil the Superfly Splash while DiBiase escaped.
Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake, with Elizabeth, defeated Randy Savage & Zeus, with Sherri Martel, when Hogan pinned Zeus after he was hit with Martel's loaded pocketbook. After the match, Elizabeth cut off the (fake) ponytail of Martel.