Saturday, July 31, 2010
Match of the Day
Just before he would be blown up on steroids he was actually just a little muscular but always very quick and agile and a highflyer.
In this match we see him against Japanese legend (the first)Tiger Mask, Satoru Sayama.
Today in Wrestling History July 31st
Bobby The Brain Heenan vs The Ultimate Warrior in a "Loser Wears a Weasel Suit" match.
of course this had been done a few years earlier in the AWA as Heenan faced Greg Gagne in a "Loser Wears a Weasel Suit" Match.
From Minneapolis and of course Gagne had to use the sleeper on Heenan to get the suit on him, so Heenan, I am sure, directed the match with Warrior since he was a old pro at that type of match.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Saturday Night's Main Event
Here is your Match of the Day, from that SNME, Jake The Snake Roberts vs Ravishing Rick Rude.
News from Good Ol JR
read it here
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Match of the Day
The US Tag Team Champions The Fantastics(Tommy Rogers/Bobby Fulton) defend against The Midnight Express(Bobby Eaton/Stan Lane)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Today in Wrestling History July 28th
1986 - The Great American Bash tour pulled into the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina. Here are the results from the show:
- Steve Regal defeated Sam Houston.
- Black Bart & Konga The Barbarian defeated Denny Brown & The Italian Stallion.
- Manny Fernandez defeated Baron Von Raschke in a Loaded Glove On A Pole match.
- Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jimmy Garvin in an Indian Strap match.
- Tully Blanchard pinned Ronnie Garvin in the fourth round of a Taped Fist match.
- The Rock N' Roll Express vs. Ole & Arn Anderson went to a 20-minute draw.
- Paul Jones defeated Jimmy Valiant in a Hair vs. Hair match, and Valiant had his head shaved bald.
- The Road Warriors & Baby Doll defeated The Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey & Bobby Eaton) & Jim Cornette in a steel cage match.
- Dusty Rhodes defeated Ric Flair to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title in a steel cage match. This would begin The American Dream's third, and final, NWA World Heavyweight Title reign.
1990 - The 27th edition of WWF's "Saturday Night's Main Event" aired on NBC, earning a 7.2 rating. This was the last SNME that Jesse Ventura would do for the WWF.
The show featured the following matches, which were taped on July 16th in Omaha, Nebraska:
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion The Ultimate Warrior defeated Rick Rude via DQ.
- WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition defeated The Rockers when Ax pinned Shawn Michaels.
- WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig defeated Tito Santana.
- Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich defeated Buddy Rose.
1995 - Eddie Guerrero defeats Dean Malenko in Middletown, New York to win back the ECW World Television Title he had lost a week earlier in Florida. This show also saw the ECW debut of the Steiner Brothers, who defeated Vampire Warrior & Dudley Dudley.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Match of the Day
Nothing extrodinary but it is the last match for the Dynamite Kid and to tell the truth I didnt even recognize him as he came to the ring, if not for the union jack tights I wouldnt have known him. You still see flashes of the old Dynamite and you can tell he still has the moves but no energy.
Well due to years of injuries and substance abuse to stay healthy he finally retired for good after this match at Sumo Hall in Tokyo.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Match of the Day
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Match of the Day
Today in Wrestling History
In matches shown on the Pay-per-view:
- Jeff Jarrett defeated Edge to win the Intercontinental Title when Gangrel interfered, allowing Jarrett to hit a forward legsweep (later called The Stroke) for the win. Post-match, Steve Austin ran out and gave Jarrett a stunner, then promised to take care of the Undertaker later in the show.
- The Acolytes (Faarooq & Bradshaw) defeated The Hardy Boyz & Michael Hayes in a handicap match when the Acolytes hit a double powerbomb on Michael Hayes and pinned him. As a result, the Acolytes won the WWF World Tag Team Title from the Hardys, even though neither belt holder was pinned.
- D'Lo Brown defeated Mideon to win the WWF European Title with the Lo-Down frog splash.
- Big Bossman defeated Al Snow to win the Hardcore Title by pinning him against a metal gate.
- The Big Show defeated Kane with the Showstopper. Hardcore Holly was the referee, and was biased against Kane for much of the match. Post-match, X-Pac attacked Holly and Show, but The Undertaker ran out and attacked Pac, then helped Big Show beat down Kane.
- Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman by knockout in an Iron Circle match (parking lot brawl) when he hit Blackman with a chain.
- Road Dogg & X-Pac defeated Billy Gunn & Chyna to win the rights to the "D-Generation X" name when Road Dogg pinned Gunn with a pumphandle slam.
- Triple H defeated The Rock in a strap match with a Pedigree, after interference from Chyna & Billy Gunn. Post-match, Triple H claimed he didn't need their help, and walked off without them.
- WWF World Champion Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker in a First Blood match. Earlier in the evening, Austin and Undertaker attacked each other backstage, each drawing blood, so both men entered the match bandaged. The finish of the match saw X-Pac come down and kick a chair out of the Undertaker's hands. Austin hit Undertaker with a TV camera, busting him open, and winning the match. As a result, Vince McMahon was no longer allowed to appear on television. Post-match, Triple H came down to attack Austin, and Rock came down to attack Triple H.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Match of the Day
Friday, July 23, 2010
Match of the Day
This match is for the IWGP Jr Tag Team Titles held by Ryusuke Taguchi and Prince Devitt. They defend the belts against Ultimo Guerrero and Averno.
- For the second year in a row, NBC will be airing a one hour WWE special titled WrestleMania XXVI: The World Television Premiere, airing on Saturday August 7 at 9PM EST. The special will feature highlights from WrestleMania XXVI set to music from today's hottest acts in one lightning-fast hour of family-friendly programming. NBC and WWE teamed up for a similar show last year broadcasting an hour of WrestleMania XXV in crystal clear high definition and this year's show will be no different. The highlight of the show will be the Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels main event which ended Shawn Michaels' career, two years after he - kind of - did the same to Ric Flair on the same stage.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Match of the Day
CANOE -- SLAM! Sports - Wrestling - Buddy Roberts recalls the wild times as a Freebird and a Hollywood Blond
A personal memory about Buddy Roberts and the Freebirds. Myself and my Uncle Phil Hendrickson went to see the AWA at the Indiana State fairgrounds coliseum in 1986 and we had front row corner seats. We sat right where the wrestlers came to the ring (and sadly only the front row on each side of the ring was full and not much else) and we were excited to see the Fabulous Freebirds in person for the first time. My uncle was a big Michael Hayes fan and I liked Terry Gordy but to our surprise it was only Michael and Buddy Roberts coming out to the ring. Well as they past us they shook our hands and I asked (loudly over the music) "Where's Terry?" Well Michael seemed shocked that someone would ask and seem to care about the whereabouts of a member of the heel Freebirds. Well Buddy turned and pointed his thumb at his back and said "He hurt his back in Japan", well we were stunned and happy to get an answer that turned out was legit. Terry did recover and my uncle and I were glad to see the boys in person.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Today in Wrestling History July 20th
1963 - Verne Gagne defeats The Crusher in Minneapolis, Minnesota to win the AWA World Heavyweight Title for the fourth time. Gagne also won the Omaha version of the World Title, which Crusher had won from Fritz Von Erich five months earlier.
1973 - Jack Brisco defeats Harley Race in Houston, Texas to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title, ending Race's first reign after less than four months. It would be over three years before Race would be champion again. This is the first of two runs with the title for Brisco.
1992 - Eddie Gilbert defeats Ricky Morton in Memphis, Tennessee to win the USWA Unified Heavyweight Title for the second time. On the same card, Brian Christopher defeats Tom Prichard for the USWA Southern Heavyweight Title, ending Prichard's fifth reign as champion and starting his own third run with the belt.
1992 - The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) defeat Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase & IRS) to win the WWF World Tag Team Title in Worcester, Massachusetts.
1998 - The Monday Night Wars between WWF's Raw and WCW's Nitro raged on, with WWF barely getting a win with a 5.0 rating to WCW's 4.7 rating.
Raw featured Kane & Mankind defeated Steve Austin by DQ in the main event, Intercontinental Champion The Rock defeating X-Pac by DQ, and D'Lo Brown defeating Triple H for the WWF European Title. There was also a Brawl For All match, as Steve Williams (a favorite to win the competition) defeated Quebecer Pierre.
WCW countered with Scott Hall & The Giant defeating Sting & Lex Luger for the WCW World Tag Team Championship, Curt Hennig defeating Lex Luger,
Bret Hart defeating Diamond Dallas Page for the vacant United States Championship (the title was vacated by Goldberg when he won the World Title).
News Bites
- Bret "Hit Man" Hart returned back to Monday Night RAW and joined John Cena's team of seven Superstars that will be taking on the Nexus at SummerSlam in a 7 on 7 tag match. Cena introduced his team - consisting of Edge, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, R-Truth, The Great Khali and Bret Hart - at the end of last night's RAW to big ovation from the crowd. The Nexus seven quickly hit the stands as their opponents ran to the ring looking for some action. Hart was taken out by the Nexus during an episode of RAW at the end of May and Vince McMahon stripped him off the General Manager role. Hart later admitted on his Facebook blog that he doesn't know what his future holds in the WWE.
- The super over Randy Orton got himself a ticket for the main event at SummerSlam by defeating Edge and Chris Jericho yesterday during Monday Night RAW in a triple threat match. Orton RKO'd both his opponents and then decided to cover his former tag team partner Edge for the win. He will now be wrestling WWE champion Sheamus in one of the main events at the biggest event of the Summer.
Monday, July 19, 2010
New Bits and Pieces
Steve "Mongo" McMichael, who wrestled for the WWF and WCW during the mid-late 90s, was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame over the weekend. McMichael, now 52, was an All-American defensive tackle from 1976-1979 at the University of Texas and went on to win a Super Bowl with the Chicago Bears in 1985.
Scott Hall was still hospitalized as of the weekend but is expected to return home at some point this coming week.
Journeyman wrestler Jimmy Golden played Jack Swagger's dad on Smackdown. Golden, 59, wrestled in Alabama and Florida during the 1970s and 1980s and also had a brief run in 1994 for WCW as Bunkhouse Buck.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Today in Wrestling History July 18th
1989 - Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeat Demolition for the WWF World Tag Team Title in Worcester, Massachusetts, ending the first title reign for Ax & Smash. This win made Anderson & Blanchard the first duo to have held both the NWA and WWF World Tag Titles.
1993 - At Beach Blast, Ric Flair defeats Barry Windham for the NWA World Heavyweight Wrestling Title in Biloxi, Mississippi. This marked Flair's tenth and final run with the NWA World Title (this was actually the revived NWA World Title, which some title histories don't count as a "World" Title). WCW would withdraw from the NWA during Flair's reign, and the title would become known as the "WCW International World Title".
Here are the full results from the Pay-per-view, which was held at the Gulf Coast Coliseum:
- WCW Television Champion Paul Orndorff defeated Ron Simmons via disqualification when Simmons threw Orndorff over the top rope.
- 2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Bagwell defeated Tex Slashinger & Shanghai Pierce when Scorpio pinned Pierce after a 450 splash.
- Steven Regal defeated Erik Watts when Bill Dundee hit Watts with an umbrella, allowing Regal to roll him up for the pin.
- Johnny B. Badd defeated Maxx Payne with a flying bodypress.
- WCW World Tag Team Champions Brian Pillman & Steve Austin defeated Paul Roma & Arn Anderson when Austin pinned Roma after Pillman ran in and reversed a rollup Roma had on Austin.
- Dustin Rhodes vs. Rick Rude in an Ironman match for the held-up U.S. Title ended in a 30-minute draw with each wrestler only having one fall. Rude pinned Rhodes at the 13 minute mark, then Rhodes pinned Rude to tie it up with three minutes left. Rude continuously kicked out of Rhodes' moves until the time ran out.
- Ric Flair defeated Barry Windham to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title when Windham was pinned in a figure four while reaching for the ropes.
- Sting & Davey Boy Smith defeated Big Van Vader & Sid Vicious when Smith pinned Vader with a crucifix. This match featured the "memorable" vignettes leading up to it that included Vader & Sid hiring a midget to blow up a boat that Sting & Smith were on. No, I'm not kidding.
1999 - Balls Mahoney & Spike Dudley defeat The Dudley Boyz for the ECW World Tag Team Championship in Dayton, Ohio, ending Buh-Buh Ray & D-Von's sixth title reign.
Happy Birthday
Here he is featured in the Match of the Day with the late Chris Benoit.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Today in Wrestling History July 17th
1970 - The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello and Don Kent) defeat Dick the Bruiser and Bill Miller for the WWA World Tag Team Title in Indianapolis, Indiana.
1983 - Ron Garvin defeats The Iron Sheik in Atlanta, Georgia to win the NWA National Television Title.
1988 - Frank "Bruiser Brody" Goodish, died at Centro Médico de San Juan in Puerto Rico, hours after a stabbing attack from José "Invader I" González, in a shower at a WWC event in Bayamón.
1990 - Terry Gordy defeats Stan Hansen for the AJPW Triple Crown Title in Ishikawa, Japan, beginning his second reign. He had to vacate the title 10 days later after being hospitalized after an overdose on painkillers.
1994 - WCW held their first Bash At The Beach Pay-per-view at the Orlando Arena, in Florida. This show would mark the beginning of a major change in WCW philosophy, as it featured the WCW PPV in-ring debut of Hulk Hogan. This was also the first-ever PPV singles meeting of Hogan and Ric Flair. Their previous singles matches had only been held on WWF house shows.
Here are the results of the show:
- In a dark match, Brian (BG James/Road Dogg) & Brad Armstrong defeated Steve Keirn & Bobby Eaton.
- WCW Television Champion Steven (William) Regal defeated Johnny B. Badd when Regal reversed a sunset flip and held the trunks for the pin.
- Antonio Inoki was presented with an award for his contributions to wrestling. Regal briefly confronted Inoki, before backing off.
- Vader, with Harley Race, defeated The Guardian Angel (Big Bossman) via disqualification when the referee caught Angel with a nightstick, even though Race had brought it into the ring, and Angel never actually used it.
- Terry Funk & Bunkhouse Buck, with Col. Robert Parker & Meng, defeated Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson when Funk pinned Rhodes after Arn turned on him and gave him a DDT.
- WCW United States Champion Steve Austin defeated Ricky Steamboat by putting his feet on the ropes for leverage.
- Paul Roma & Paul Orndorff defeated Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan to win the WCW World Tag Team Title when Orndorff pinned Cactus while Roma held Cactus' legs from the outside.
- Hulk Hogan, with Shaquille O'Neil, Jimmy Hart & Mr. T in his corner, defeated Ric Flair, with Sherri Martel, to win the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Martel was carried off by Mr. T during the match. The bout ended when Hogan "hulked up" after a brass knuckles shot, and delivered a big boot to the face and a legdrop for the win (I know, shocking).
2000 - The Monday Night War took a week off, as WWF RAW is WAR aired unopposed. WCW Monday Nitro was pushed to Tuesday night due to TNT's two-part miniseries "Nuremberg". RAW got a 6.2 rating on USA, and the results were:
- The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) fought The Hardy Boyz (Jeff and Matt (with Lita)) to a no-contest.
- WWF Hardcore Champion Steve Blackman fought The Godfather to a no-contest to retain the title.
- Road Dogg and X-Pac defeated Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty).
- Chris Benoit and WWF Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian (with Shane McMahon) defeated The A.P.A. (Bradshaw and Faarooq) and WWF Champion The Rock.
- WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Dean Malenko defeated Chyna (with WWF European Champion Eddie Guerrero) by disqualification to retain the title.
- Rikishi defeated Test (with Trish Stratus).
- Kane and The Undertaker defeated Kurt Angle and Triple H (with WWF Women's Champion Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley).
2005 - TNA held the first-annual "No Surrender" pay-per-view at the iMPACT! Zone in Orlando, Florida. The results were:
- In a pre-show match, Shocker pinned Jerrelle Clark with a roll-up.
- America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) defeated Michael Shane and Alex Shelley (with Traci), when Storm pinned Shelley after a Superkick.
- Sonjay Dutt defeated Mikey Batts, Shark Boy and Elix Skipper in a Fatal Four-Way match, by pinning Batts after a Hindu Press, to qualify for the upcoming Super X Cup Tournament.
- Apolo and Sonny Siaki defeated The Diamonds in the Rough (Simon Diamond and David Young), when Apolo pinned Young after a TKO.
- Samoa Joe defeated Chris Sabin by submission with the Coquina Clutch.
- Team Canada (A-1, Bobby Roode and Eric Young) defeated Lance Hoyt and NWA World Tag Team Champions The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) (with Jimmy Hart), when Young pinned Douglas after Roode hit him with Hart's megaphone.
- Monty Brown and Kip James defeated The 3Live Kru (Ron Killings and Konnan) in a Street Fight, when Brown pinned Killings after hitting the Pounce through a table.
- A.J. Styles pinned Sean Waltman after a Styles Clash. Jerry Lynn was the guest referee.
- TNA X Division Champion Christopher Daniels pinned Petey Williams (with A-1) after the Best Moonsault Ever to retain the title.
- NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven pinned Abyss (with James Mitchell) in a Dog Collar match, after an Evenflow DDT on thumbtacks, to retain the title. After the match, Jeff Jarrett came out and said that he was going to get his title back one way or another. Rhino then made his debut and Gored Raven.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Today in Wrestling History July 13th (big day of course)
1982 - Mr. Fuji & Mr. Saito defeat Chief Jay & Jules Strongbow for the WWF World Tag Team Title in Allentown, Pennsylvania, starting their second tag title reign.
1991 - The Lightning Kid (Sean Waltman) defeats Jerry Lynn in Dallas, Texas to win a tournament to crown the first Global Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Champion.
1992 - Ricky Morton defeats Eddie Gilbert for the USWA Unified World Heavyweight Title in Memphis, Tennessee.
1995 - "Wild Pegasus" Chris Benoit defeats Shinjiro Ohtani to win the finals of New Japan's "Best Of The Super Junior" tournament. Benoit defeated Black Tiger (Eddie Guerrero) to get into the finals, while Ohtani defeated Koji Kanemoto.
1996 - Shane Douglas defeats defending champion Chris Jericho, 2 Cold Scorpio and Pitbull #2 in a four way match to win the ECW World Television Title for the second time in his career. The match, held at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during Heatwave '96, is considered one of the all-time classics in ECW. The first elimination didn't take place until twenty seven minutes into the match, when Scorpio pinned Jericho with the Tumbleweed after a tombstone piledriver. Scorpio was eliminated by a Pitbull #2 Superbomb at the thirty-one minute mark. The finish of the match saw Francine turn on Pitbull #2, but ended up being Superbombed through a table for her efforts. Shane Douglas DDT'd Pitbull #1 (who ran in after Francine turned on Pitbull #2) on the Television Title belt, legitimately breaking his neck. Finally, after forty minutes of action, Douglas pinned Pitbull #2 with a belly to belly suplex to win the match and the title.
1997 - WCW's Bash at the Beach Pay-per-view was held at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. Here are the results:
- Mortis & Wrath defeated Glacier & Ernest Miller when Mortis pinned Glacier after hitting him with a chain.
- WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chris Jericho defeated Ultimo Dragon when Jericho went for a powerbomb, which Dragon reversed into a rana, which Jericho then reversed into a sunset flip for the win.
- The Steiner Brothers defeated The Great Muta & Masahiro Chono when Scott gave Muta a top rope DDT off the shoulders of Rick.
- Juventud Guerrera, Hector Garza & Lizmark Jr. defeated Villano IV, La Parka & Psychosis when Garza pinned Villano V (who had come in illegally to replace Villano IV during the match) with a moonsault.
- Chris Benoit defeated Kevin Sullivan in a retirement match with a top rope headbutt after Jacqueline turned on Sullivan and hit him with a chair.
- U.S. Champion Jeff Jarrett defeated Steve McMichael after knocking him out with a steel briefcase handed to him by Debra McMichael.
- Scott Hall & Randy Savage defeated Dallas Page & Curt Hennig when Hennig turned on Page and walked off, allowing Hall to hit the Outsider's Edge and Savage to follow up with the top rope elbow.
- Roddy Piper defeated Ric Flair with a sleeperhold.
- The Giant & Lex Luger defeated Hulk Hogan & Dennis Rodman when Hogan submitted to the Torture Rack. Kevin Nash, dressed like Sting, interfered and hit the Giant with a baseball bat near the end.
1998 - Kane & Mankind defeat Billy Gunn & the Road Dog for the WWF World Tag Team Title in East Rutherford, New Jersey, ending the second reign of the New Age Outlaws.
News Bites

of the hospital soon.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Today in Wrestling History
1992 - WCW held the fifth-annual "Great American Bash" pay-per-view at the Gray Civic Center in Albany, Georgia, which got a 0.4 buyrate. The event featured the final three rounds of a 16-team tournament for the now-board-recognized NWA World Tag Team Title. The first round had been held on June 16 at Clash of the Champions XIX. The results:
- In a dark match, The Super Invader (with Harley Race) defeated Marcus Alexander Bagwell.
- In an NWA World Tag Team Title tournament quarterfinal, Nikita Koloff and Ricky Steamboat defeated Jushin Liger and Brian Pillman, when Steamboat pinned Pillman.
- In an NWA World Tag Team Title tournament quarterfinal, Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham defeated NWA World Television Champion Steve Austin and NWA United States Heavyweight Champion Rick Rude (with Madusa), when Rhodes pinned Austin.
- In an NWA World Tag Team Title tournament quarterfinal, Hiroshi Hase and Shinya Hashimoto (subbing for the injured Akira Nogami) defeated The Fabulous Freebirds (Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes), when Hase pinned Garvin.
- In an NWA World Tag Team Title tournament semifinal, WCW World Tag Team Champions Terry Gordy and Steve Williams defeated Nikita Koloff and Ricky Steamboat, when Williams pinned Steamboat.
- In an NWA World Tag Team Title tournament semifinal, Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham defeated Hiroshi Hase and Shinya Hashimoto, when Windham pinned Hase.
- Big Van Vader (with Harley Race) pinned WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting after a powerbomb to win the title.
- WCW World Tag Team Champions Terry Gordy and Steve Williams defeated Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham, when Williams pinned Rhodes, to win the NWA World Tag Team Title. The title was now officially recognized by the NWA, after the final of the several original versions of the title in existence, originally from the Mid-Atlantic territory, was renamed the WCW World Tag Team Title in 1991. From that time, the NWA title had been considered vacant.
1998 - WCW held the fifth-annual "Bash at the Beach" pay-per-view at Cox Arena in San Diego, California, before 10,095 fans. The show got a 1.42 buyrate, and the results were:
- In a dark match, Villanos IV and V defeated Ciclope and Damien, when Villano V pinned Damien.
- Raven (with Scotty Riggs and Lodi) pinned Saturn in a Raven's Rules match after a Evenflow DDT.
- Juventud Guerrera pinned Kidman after a 450 Splash.
- Stevie Ray defeated Chavo Guerrero, Jr. when Chavo purposely submitted to a knucklelock.
- Eddie Guerrero pinned Chavo Guerrero, Jr. in a Hair vs. Hair match with a small package. After the match, Chavo shaved off his own hair.
- Konnan (with Lex Luger and WCW World Tag Team Champion Kevin Nash) defeated Disco Inferno (with Alex Wright) by submission with the Tequila Sunrise.
- The Giant pinned Kevin Greene after a chokeslam.
- Rey Misterio, Jr. pinned WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chris Jericho to win the title, but the title was returned to Jericho the next night on Monday Nitro, due to interference from Dean Malenko.
- WCW World Television Champion Booker T defeated Bret Hart by disqualification to retain the title.
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg pinned Curt Hennig after the Jackhammer to retain the title.
- Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Dennis Rodman (with The Disciple) defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Karl Malone, when Hogan pinned Page after an Apocalypse from The Disciple. This began Hogan's sixth reign and ended Savage's fourth.
TNA Victory Road PPV Results/News
- Here are the results from yesterday's TNA Victory Road pay-per-view which aired live from Universal Studios in Orlando, FL.: Doug Williams defeated Brian Kendrick to retain the TNA X Division title; Brother Ray defeated Brother Devon and Jesse Neal; Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne to retain the TNA Knockout title; AJ Styles and Kazarian defeated Rob Terry and Samoa Joe; Hernandez defeated Matt Morgan; Jay Lethal defeated Ric Flair; Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money to win the vacant TNA Tag Team titles; Kurt Angle defeated D'Angelo Dinero; Rob Van Dam defeated Jeff Hardy, Mr Anderson and Abyss to retain the TNA World title.
- Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer is reporting that the arrival of Paul Heyman is the surprise that TNA President Dixie Carter has been hyping for the past several weeks and while there's still no solid deal on the table, TNA talent are of the belief that the former ECW master mind is indeed coming to town. Heyman revealed in a recent interview that the only way he'll go to TNA is if they give him total creative control of the company and he does it his way rather than have to go through different individuals and with Hogan and Bischoff on board that will be a very, very tough task to accomplish. Meltzer adds that TNA wanted Heyman to start yesterday with the old ECW gang invasion angle but Heyman was in New York rather than in Orlando and with no deal signed, TNA has a lot of work to do to convince him to jump ship.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
today in Wrestling History July 11th
1961 - Gene Kiniski defeats Verne Gagne in Minneapolis, Minnesota to win the AWA World Heavyweight Title.
1987 - Two title changes took place at Great American Bash cards in separate locations. At the Greensboro Coliseum in North Carolina, Lex Luger defeated Nikita Koloff for the United States Title. The referee was knocked out, and manager JJ Dillon tossed Luger a chair, which he used to knock out Koloff. He then put the unconscious Koloff in the Human Torture Rack for the win. In the main event of that show, NWA World Champion Ric Flair defeated Jimmy Garvin in a steel cage match when Garvin passed out while trapped in the figure four leglock. As a result, Flair won a date with Garvin's valet, Precious. When the date occurred, Ronnie Garvin went instead (dressed as a woman), and beat up Flair.
That same night, at a show in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Steve Williams defeated Big Bubba Rogers with the Oklahoma Stampede powerslam to win the UWF Heavyweight Title. Williams was the fourth, and final, UWF champion, as the company was absorbed by Jim Crockett Promotions and the title was later abandoned. Interesting to note, he was also the only babyface champion, as the three previous UWF champions (Rogers, One Man Gang, Terry Gordy) were all heels.
1989 - Stan Hansen & Genichiro Tenryu defeat Jumbo Tsuruta & Yoshiaki Yatsu in Hokkaido, Japan to win the All Japan Pro Wrestling World Tag Team Title.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
This Week in Wrestling History July 5th
1952 - Hillbilly Jim (real name Jim Morris) is born.
1956 - Kay Bell defeats Buddy Rogers to win the NWA Texas Heavyweight Title in Houston, Texas , ending Rogers ' fifth reign.
1962 - Buddy Rogers and Johnny Barend defeat Johnny Valentine and Bob Ellis for the Northeast version of the NWA United States Tag Team Title (which would soon become the WWWF United States Tag Team Title six months later) in Washington, DC.
1962 - Hans Schmidt defeats Pat O'Connor in Greensboro , North Carolina to win the NWA United States Heavyweight Title.
1964 - One half of the Nasty Boys, Jerry Sags (real name Jerome Saganovich) is born in Allentown, Pennsylvania .
1968 - Ramon and Alberto Torres defeat El Mongol and Tarzan Tyler in a one-night tournament final in Atlanta , Georgia to become the first NWA Georgia Tag Team Champions.
1969 - Johnny Walker and Bearcat Brown end the third reign of The Great Mephisto and Dante as NWA World Tag Team Champions (Mid-America version) in Chattanooga, TN beginning their own second reign.
1971 - Jamie "J.C. Ice" Dundee (real name James Crookshanks) is born in Memphis, TN.
1971 - Steven Little Bear and Dean Higuchi defeat The Skull Brothers in Vancouver , British Columbia , to win the Vancouver version of the NWA Canadian Tag Team Title for the second time.
1972 - Tatsuhito Takaiwa is born in Kyoto, Japan .
1972 - Hiro Matsuda and Tim Woods defeat The Zodiac (Bob Orton) and Taurus (Dennis Hall) for the NWA Florida Tag Team Title in Miami, FL
1974 - Buddy Colt defeats Mr. Wrestling II to win the NWA Georgia Heavyweight Title in Atlanta, GA. beginning his sixth reign and ending Mr. Wrestling II's third.
1975 - The Sheik defeats Bobo Brazil in Detroit, MI for the Detroit version of the NWA United States Heavyweight Title, ending and beginning each man's eighth reign.
1982 - Kevin and Kerry Von Erich defeat King Kong Bundy and Bugsy McGraw to win the World Class American Tag Team Title in Fort Worth, TX .
1982 - Stan Lane and Ron Bass defeat The Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey and Norvell Austin) for the AWA Southern Tag Team Title in Memphis, TN ending the Express' second reign.
1985 - Iceman Parsons defeats Chris Adams for the World Class American Heavyweight Title in Dallas, TX ending Adams ' fourth reign.
1985 - Scott Armstrong defeats Bill Ash to win the Southeast version of the NWA United States Junior Heavyweight Title in Montgomery, AL ending Ash's third reign and beginning Armstrong's fourth.
1985 - Al Madril and Chavo Guerrero defeat American Force (Paul Diamond and Nick Kiniski) for the Texas All-Star Wrestling Texas Tag Team Title in San Antonio,TX.
1986 - Jim Crockett Promotions holds a "Great American Bash" event at Charlotte, NC's Memorial Stadium, and it was loaded with gimmick matches.
The results:
- NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion Denny Brown and Steve Regal fought to a time-limit draw.
- Robert Gibson pinned NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Black Bart.
- The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and NWA World Television Champion Arn Anderson) defeated Sam Houston and Nelson Royal, when Ole pinned Houston .
- Manny Fernandez pinned Baron Von Raschke in a Bunkhouse match.
- Wahoo McDaniel pinned Jimmy Garvin in an Indian Strap match.
- Ronnie Garvin defeated NWA National Heavyweight Champion Tully Blanchard by knockout in the fifth round of a Taped Fist match.
- World Six Man Tag Team Champions The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal) defeated Ivan and Nikita Koloff in a Russian Chain match, when Animal pinned Ivan.
- Jimmy Valiant pinned Shaska Whatley in a Hair vs. Hair match.
- NWA World Six-Man Tag Team Champion Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A. and Baby Doll beat NWA World Tag Team Champions The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey) and Jim Cornette in a Steel Cage match, when Baby Doll pinned Cornette.
- Ric Flair pinned Ricky Morton in a Steel Cage match to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
1992 - WCW runs at the Omni Coliseum in Atlanta, GA
The results:
- Bobby Eaton pinned Larry Zbyzsko.
- Johnny B. Badd and Jushin Liger fought to a draw.
- Dustin Rhodes pinned Greg Valentine.
- Ron Simmons pinned The Super Invader.
- Barry Windham pinned WCW World Television Champion Steve Austin.
- Sting defeated Arn Anderson. Guest referee was Ole Anderson.
- Brad Armstrong pinned Scotty Flamingo (Raven) to win the WCW Light Heavyweight Title.
- Nikita Koloff and WCW United States Heavyweight Champion Rick Rude fought to a double disqualification.
- Terry Gordy and Steve Williams defeat The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott), when Gordy pinned Scott following a clothesline from Williams behind the referee's back after Scott hit Gordy with the Frankensteiner, to win the WCW World Tag Team Title, ending the Steiners' third reign.
1993 - Jerry Lawler defeated Owen Hart to win the USWA Unified World Heavyweight Title for the 15th time in Memphis, TN.
At the same show, C.W. Bergstrom and Melvin Penrod, Jr. defeat Home Boy and New Jack to win the USWA Tag Team Title.
1999 - WWF RAW is WAR nearly doubles WCW Monday Nitro's rating for this week in the Monday Night War.
Nitro got a 3.3 rating for its show, featuring David Flair being awarded the WCW United States Heavyweight Title after it was stripped from Scott Steiner, and a no contest between WCW World Champion Kevin Nash and Sid Vicious in the main event.
That wasn't enough to beat RAW's 6.2 rating, featuring The Rock defeating Triple H in a steel cage match main event.
2000 - Val Venis defeats Rikishi at a SmackDown! taping in Fort Lauderdale, FL to win the WWF Intercontinental Title for the second time.
Recommended Reading
a great article about one of the pioneers of lady managers and Divas.
I can remember this like it was yesterday, watching it happen on WCW Saturday Night. I was with everyone else I was pissed but I couldnt hate Baby Doll...she was too gorgeous and I loved watching her every week.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
This Week in Wrestling History July 4th
Borne to win the NWA Canadian Tag Team Title.
1974 - Ric Flair & Rip Hawk defeat Paul Jones & Bob Bruggers in Greensboro, North Carolina to win the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Title.
1983 - World Class Championship Wrestling held their "Independence Day Star Wars" event in Fort Worth, Texas, with the following results:
- Michael Hayes defeated Iceman King Parsons in a Lights Out match.
- Bruiser Brody vs. Kamala ended in a double disqualification.
- David Von Erich defeated Jimmy Garvin to win the vacant World Class Texas Heavyweight Title.
- The Von Erichs (Kerry, Kevin & David) defeated The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts) in a three falls match when Kevin pinned Hayes to win the deciding fall.
1987 - Jim Crockett Promotions holds the main show of their 1987 Great American Bash tour in Atlanta, Georgia at the Omni, featuring the debut of "War Games: The Match Beyond". The match features two rings, side by side, covered by a large steel cage with a roof. The bout saw The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger) & manager JJ Dillon vs. Dusty Rhodes , Nikita Koloff, The Road Warriors & manager Paul Ellering. The match started with Rhodes vs. Anderson for five minutes, then the teams alternated sending in a wrestler in two minute intervals.
Once both teams were completely inside the cage, the match could only end by submission or surrender. Dillon surrendered after being bloodied by the Warriors and Ellering, giving Rhodes' team the victory. Dillon was injured during the match, and was replaced in the other War Games matches on the Bash tour by "The War Machine" (Bubba Rogers under a mask). The match would become a staple of Jim Crockett Promotions/WCW for years to come.
Here are results from the rest of the card:
- Kendall Windham defeated Gladiator #1.
- Sting defeated Thunderfoot #1.
- Lazertron defeated Spike of the Mod Squad.
- Jimmy Valiant defeated Basher of the Mod Squad.
- UWF Western States Champion Barry Windham defeated Rick Steiner.
- Ronnie & Jimmy Garvin defeated Vladimir Petrov & The Barbarian.
- UWF Tag Team Champions Tim Horner & Brad Armstrong defeated Big Bubba Rogers & Angel Of Death.
- Chris Adams defeated Black Bart via DQ.
- The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts) defeated Ivan Koloff, Manny Fernandez & Paul Jones.
- NWA World Tag Team Champions The Rock N' Roll Express defeated The Midnight Express via DQ.
- Steve Williams defeated Dick Murdoch in a Texas Death Match.
1984 - World Class Championship Wrestling held their "Independence Day Star Wars" event in Fort Worth, Texas, with the following results:
- Killer Khan defeated Mike Reed.
- Scott Irwin & The Missing Link defeated Jose Lothario & Buck Zumhoffe.
- World Class American Heavyweight Champion Gino Hernandez defeated
Jules Strongbow.
- Kelly Kiniski defeated George Weingroff.
- The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts) defeated The Von Erichs (Kerry, Kevin & Mike) to win the World Class Six-Man Tag Team Title when Hayes pinned Kevin.
- Iceman King Parsons defeated Bill Irwin in a singles match to win the World Class American Tag Team Title. Parsons chose Buck Zumhoffe as his partner.
- Gino Hernandez won a "Pole Battle Royal" in which a check was affixed to the top of a pole in the corner of the ring and the wrestlers had to try and climb the pole to be the first to get it.
- Chris Adams & Stella Mae French defeated Jimmy Garvin & Precious in a Loser Leaves Town steel cage match when Adams pinned Garvin.
1985 - World Class Championship Wrestling held their "Independence Day Star Wars" event in Fort Worth, Texas, with the following results:
- Steve Casey defeated Jack Victory.
- Brian Adidas vs. Jim Powers ended in a no-contest.
- The Fantastics defeated Rip Oliver & Kelly Kiniski in a three falls match in two straight falls.
- Iceman King Parsons defeated Tim Brooks.
- Kerry Von Erich defeated The One Man Gang in a Chicago Death Match.
- The Great Kabuki defeated Chris Adams.
- Sunshine defeated Jim Cornette. Cornette had to wrestle with one arm tied behind his back and a blindfold on.
- Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez defeated Kerry & Kevin Von Erich when Adams pinned Kerry.
1986 - World Class Championship Wrestling held their "Independence Day Star Wars" event in Dallas, Texas, with the following results:
- The Grapplers defeated Brad & Bart Batten.
- Buzz Sawyer defeated Brian Adidas to win the World Class Texas Heavyweight Title.
- Abdullah the Butcher defeated The Great Kabuki to win the World Class
Brass Knuckles Title.
- Sunshine defeated The Raven.
- Steve Simpson defeated Tim Brooks.
- Bruiser Brody vs. Abdullah The Butcher ended in a double disqualification.
- Chris Adams defeated Rick Rude to win the World Class World Heavyweight Title.
- World Class Six-Man Tag Champions The Von Erichs (Kevin, Mike & Lance)
defeated Butch Reed, Buzz Sawyer, & Matt Borne.
1990 - John Tatum defeats Bill Dundee in Dallas, Texas to win the USWA Southern Heavyweight Title for a third time, ending Dundee's third reign, and putting an end to a back and forth series of title switches between the two.